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Current Weather In Jerome, Arizona

Jerome is located high in Arizona’s mountains, so its weather can vary greatly depending on the season. When planning your ghost hunting trip, keep the following seasonal conditions in mind:

Spring is a popular season to visit Jerome. You’ll get to enjoy warmer weather, with average highs around 70°F during March through May. Spring days are pleasantly mild, though nights still dip down chilly. An occasional windstorm may blow through too. However, spring sees much less rain than other seasons. The desert landscape bursts into color with wildflowers as well, making early spring a beautiful time for paranormal explorations.

Summers get quite hot in Jerome, with temperatures climbing over 90°F on most days June through August. Monsoon storms also roll through during this season, bringing lightning shows and heavy downpours. Flooding can sometimes occur. While summer sees the most tourist crowds, the extreme heat makes much outdoor ghost hunting unbearable. Stick to haunted hotel investigations during the summer.

Fall brings relief from the summer heat, with September and October seeing average highs in the 70s. Nights start to dip down cold again though. This season boasts brilliant fall foliage. It’s also Jerome’s ghost hunting high season, with Halloween festivities like haunted houses and costume parties taking over. Expect big crowds if visiting in fall.

Winter months see chilly weather, with average highs in the 50s Fahrenheit. Nighttime lows drop below freezing between December and February. Snow occasionally dusts the land as well in the winter. You might find insider access to ghost hunts this season and cheaper hotel rates too. Just bundle up since paranormal investigations happen rain or shine!



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